Don't look now but Huck won again. Huck of course is Republican Mike Huckabee. Repeatedly, Mike looked like he could play the part of President, which of course different then FDT, who has played the part of President before, but continues to not wow, when not talking off a script. Well, let me take that back in the last week, even when talking off a script he hasn't looked the part, perhaps he needs someone else to write the script to be well, presidental. I continue to be frustrated with the debate process, Huck didn't get to speak for the first 18 minutes of the debate, but when he did, he scored big points in my mind:
"There are some real issues out there we need to be fighting for. One of them is the sanctity of human life - it's one of the core issues of our humanity and our civilization. When our founding fathers put their signatures on the Declaration of Independence, they said we have certain inalienable rights given us by our creator - and among these, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - one of them being life - and I still believe that."
Huckabee said one subject that is "not funny" is the prospect of Hillary Clinton becoming President of the United States. Under that scenario, he said, "Taxes go up, health care becomes the domain of the government, spending goes up, and our military loses its morale. I'm not sure we will have the courage and the will and the resolve to fight the greatest threat this country has faced: Islamo-facism. We've got an enemy that wants to kill every last one of us. We cannot be soft, we must be strong."
And Finally, it would appear that the American public is starting to notice as well. When I went to bed, Huck was winning the text in vote on Fox. Out of full disclosure, that is not completely accurate, Ron Paul supporters hijacked the vote so their candiate would win, but Huck came in second. (I am unwilling to believe that a guy who believes 911 wouldn't happened if everyone on the plane would have had guns, and believes we need to revert back to a system of buying everything with gold, is capable of running an effective campaign for president)
Nonetheless, I thought it was a good night to be a Republican. As the focus group pointed out, we are tired of letting the Democrats, act like Democrats, and no one call them on it. Nancy and Harry have been disasters, and even thought they, (congress) have the lowest approval rating ever, the media fails to report the story.
As an aside, think if the Republicans sent a letter to a private citizen's employer asking that he or she be fired, because the Republican's disagreed with that person. The media would be all over that, calling for a investigation, and oh my god, what if that employee was a person of color, Jesse and Al would be calling for protests, but isnt that what Harry and his fellow Dems did aganist Rush? We don't like that he used the term phony solider, fire him!
Sure the media reports that Rush raised 2.1 million, but not a one, reports or digs at why people were willing to put up serious money purchase the letter. I mean come on, does anyone want a signed letter from Harry Reid? Whats that worth, a dime? No, its that we don't believe Government should be telling the private sector what to do.
Thats all for now, later I explain my run in this weekend with a Hillary supporter.
Monday, October 22, 2007
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